With experience amongst our team of operating over 1000 SSAS arrangements, we get the SSAS market and it’s a core element of our proposition. We're active in the new scheme market as well as converting insured schemes and / or taking over the trusteeship of a SSAS.

A SSAS can provide a business with a flexible means to save for retirement whilst also offering the ability to aid business funding via investments such as property, shares in the sponsoring employer or lending money to aid development.

Unlike SIPPs, a SSAS is permitted to make a "loan back" to the sponsoring employer and also benefits from added flexibility in terms of how assets can be apportioned between the members.

Yorssas role in the scheme is initially to establish or takeover the SSAS, ensure it is registered with HMRC and liaise with previous schemes to ensure any benefits being transferred are processed as quickly as possible.

In our role as Trustee and Scheme Administrator we help ensure any legislative requirements are adhered to – such as providing reports to HMRC and providing information and guidance on issues such as what investments the scheme can hold, how much income can be drawn and feasibility studies into potential property purchases.

A SSAS can benefit from the pooling of investments between the membership - e.g. the scheme can borrow up to 50% of its total assets e.g. to aid a property purchase.

SSAS Takeover

Because we get SSAS, we're often asked to review existing schemes with a view to taking over as Trustee. Typically that involves bundling together all historic trust deeds and rules along with title deeds and contract notes then sending off to the provider to review. Not here! Why not take advantage of our "SSAS to You" service where we can carry out the review at either your own or the client's premises – makes sense, doesn't it?

Yorssas Trustees are often asked to consider taking on the trusteeship of existing schemes for a multitude of reasons such as dissatisfaction over service provided, charging levels and/or frustration over been forced to use a provider's "panel" of suppliers.

Our SSAS Review service can be used to cover issues such as fund apportionment, ensuring regulatory reporting is up to date, scheme assets have been properly registered as well as ensuring issues such as income reviews, loan interest and lease renewals are all in order.

We can also assist with any queries regarding ways in which the SSAS can be used to assist with business funding.

Case Studies