Setting up a SIPP before the tax year end

Making the most of annual pension allowances is crucial for optimising your clients' financial portfolios. But don't delay, our deadline for new business is Thursday 28th March*, and for existing clients who want to make a contribution to their pension before the tax year end, we must receive application forms, supporting documents and all the correct paperwork by Thursday 4th April*.
Remember our Singular SIPP is a low cost fixed fee SIPP and offers cost effective pension consolidation.
Singular SIPP = £295 + VAT
*24 hour set up
*no transaction fees
*fixed fee regardless of fund size
Make sure your clients are well-informed and positioned to make the most of their pension allowances. At Yorsipp, we're committed to supporting you in helping your clients achieve their financial goals.
Remember, we do not charge:
- On a fund value or percentage based charging basis
- For transfers in (including in specie transfers)
- For regular or single contributions
- Transaction Fees
- For ad-hoc valuation requests
- For investments and disinvestments (other than Non Standard investments)
- Based on the value of property being purchased
- Additional fees based on property type and / or tenancy
- Additional fees should you wish to self-manage property assets
- Additional fees to use your own choice of surveyor or solicitor
- Additional syndicate fees for multi member joint property (purchase or ongoing administration)
Please get in touch with us on 0141 772 3365 for more information. If you are unable to make the above deadlines, please get in touch and we will see what we can do.